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Professional Development Plan





SHORT TERM                                                                                                              


            In the short term (the remainder of my tenure in graduate school), I would like to see all of my programs and projects through to completion. I have worked in my assistantship at MCPHS University for two years, and some of my duties have carried over from my first year. If I am able, I would like to leave my colleagues with as many polished and finished programs and projects as possible. The office of Campus Life is oftentimes in transition, therefore I will be leaving comprehensive transition documents so I am able to set up the next graduate in my role for success.


            Additionally, I want to complete an assessment of the student program that I spearhead at Northeastern University through the Center of Community Service, Service-Learning program. This is only the second year that the program has been in existence, and a complete post-assessment would help the program continue to improve from year to year. Similar to my assistantship, I will be leaving comprehensive transition documents to help the next graduate in the role.


I have asked both of my supervisors (at each institution) to serve as references as I embark on the job search, and plan on applying to at least 10 jobs before walking at graduation on May 6th.



LONG TERM                                                                                                                


            In the long term (5-7 years from now), I would like to become more involved in the professional associations such as NASPA and The Consortium of Higher Education LGBTQ Resource professionals. I know that involvement in both of these associations will help me make valuable connections within Student Affairs, and will allow me to further develop my skills outside my functional area. Ultimately I would like to work within diversity and inclusion, so involvement within The Consortium will be especially important moving forward. My work in student activities has well prepared me to talk on a variety of positions within many functional areas, but I am currently seeking positions within student activities, student engagement, and diversity and inclusion. Working with students on a daily basis is very important to me within my career, and I want to be in a position that allows me to do so. I have enjoyed advising students in both my assistantship and my practicum, so an advising position would also allow me face time with students. If my department or institution allows for it, I would also like to supervise a graduate within 3 years of graduating from my program.



ULTIMATE CAREER GOALS                                                                                         


            Looking on further than 10 years, it is my goal to become the Director of a Women’s Center, LGBTQ Center, or Gender & Sexuality Center at a large, public, institution. I feel passionately about public education and working with marginalized groups of students. I want to be in a position where I can make lasting change on a campus, and work on improving policies and procedures for marginalized students. If I am working at a smaller institution, I would like to rise to the level of Assistant Dean, Dean, or an equivalent position in which I am able to implement and improve policies for all students.


Through my experience within the College Student Development & Counseling Program at Northeastern University, I have been able to practice my mastery of all ten NASPA & ACPA Professional Competencies. My assistantship, summer internship, and practicum experiences have all pushed me to grow as a professional, and have allowed me to create a career plan, both short and long term.

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